Septic Pump-Out and Upgrade Reimbursement Programs
Septic Pump-Out Program
Septic systems are one of the most significant sources of pollution in the Port Tobacco watershed. Charles County’s Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) Strategy for restoring the Chesapeake Bay recommends pumping out 20% of the County’s septic systems on an annual basis to reduce nutrient pollution. The County has developed a septic pump-out reimbursement program to encourage County residents to pump out their septic systems every 3 to 5 years. In addition to helping the Bay, pumping your septic system helps to maintain its effectiveness and longevity.
To apply for the reimbursement, download and complete the County’s application form, attaching the contractor’s invoice and proof of payment. Reimbursement rates are 75% of the pump-out cost for septic systems located within the critical area and 50% for all other County residential systems.
Septic Upgrade Reimbursement Program
You may be eligible for a grant from the Bay Restoration Fund to upgrade your system to nitrogen removing Best Available Technology. Within Charles County, this program is administered within the Department of Health, Environmental Health Services. For more information contact Susan Morris at or (301) 609-6766.